Everything comes from God - the source and creator of all. We know that God is extravagantly generous, and so we believe we are also called to be generous with our lives and resources, including our finances. God entrusts us to respond wisely and faithfully with respect to tithing, in order to help our church and communities to become places of hope, restoration and life.
We provide an opportunity to give tithes and offerings (cash/cheque) every Sunday via the offering box in the foyer.
Other ways of giving include :
Standing Order
Many give a regular amount by Standing Order. If you would like to do this, here are the details:
Payable to: Fleet Baptist Church
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Account No: 00010650
Alternatively, pick up a Standing Order Request Form from the Information Table or Church Foyer.
Gift Aid
If you are a UK tax payer, we can reclaim the tax element of your gift, thereby increasing the total amount. Pick up a Gift Aid Declaration Form from the Information Table.
All records of giving, which are kept to comply with law, are maintained confidentially.
If you have any questions or concerns about any aspect of giving and how your money is used by FBC, please email treasurer@fleetbaptist.org.uk.