POWERHOUSE groups for children aged 2-14 years meet on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday each month during our FBC Sunday. We are all together for the first part and then the children leave for their groups around 11am
Every child is part of the life of the church and we encourage them to join with us as we follow an age-relevant curriculum that includes Bible teaching and practical application. Most importantly we want children to have their own relationship with Jesus and follow the calling of God on their lives. Our current series follows these Bible Project videos
FAB - our family all-in breakfast meeting - is on the 1st Sunday of every month. It is age appropriate, all-in together, worshipping and learning with a light breakfast in the middle. All wrapped up in 60 minutes! Ideal for those with young families.
ToddleAlong is a welcoming baby & toddler group held at FBC Clarence Road providing play, community and coffee & tea. It meets 10-11.30am on a Wednesday morning during term-time.
Fleet Baptist Pre-School operates from 'The Views' in Fleet, and is open to families of any faith or no faith. It is a standalone charity registered with OFSTED as a Pre-School and working closely with Hampshire County Council.
Established in 1984 by church members wanting to provide a play group for children before being of school age, it provides children with a foundation of Christian principles and values within a fun environment. Even though the provision of this has developed, those founding principles remain.
Visit www.fbpreschool.co.uk for more information.
All of our children's activities operate to the standards and values of our Fleet Baptist Church's Safeguarding Policy. Please contact the Church Office for more information.